Hi guys, just wanted to do another quick video. It's very easy to prove your income or employment verification when you're self-employed and don't have paycheck stubs or a way to verify employment. If you're trying to get into an apartment complex or any other place that requires proof of income, they want to see concrete evidence that you can pay them back. Simply signing up for a free fax number can help with this. Give the landlords, apartment complexes, or potential employers your fax number so they can send any necessary forms. You can then fill out the form and fax it back to them, making it seem like they are contacting your previous or current employer.
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Submit Counterfeit Report Form: What You Should Know
No purchase is necessary. Complete the form to report the content. The form does not include any personal contact information, such as your name or address. Report Fraudulent Activity — OCC In addition to the above, you should report fraudulently created or submitted content, fraudulently acquired credit/debit card numbers, or other fraudulent activity within your online application form. Report Counterfeit Checkmarks or “X” Marks — U. S. Secret Service To report suspected counterfeit checks, counterfeit currency, counterfeit money orders and counterfeit credit or debit card numbers, please make a completed complaint form. Do not submit the form with the suspicious item for your complaint. Do not submit the form with a suspected counterfeit item to prevent the transaction from being flagged as counterfeit or counterfeit check. The information found in the form must be sufficient and credible to establish that the material you are reporting (i.e., a counterfeit check, counterfeit money order, counterfeit credit card, etc), is counterfeit and/or that it does not comply with the requirements of 21 CFR 1400.6 and 2102. If you are submitting information within the limits of the privacy exemption afforded to individuals, do not include name, address, telephone number, or email address in any submission of information to OCC. A criminal investigation is ongoing. Your submission may or may not be used to create a criminal record. Report Counterfeit Markings or “X” Marks — United States Secret Service To report suspected counterfeit marking or counterfeiting of U.S. currency or related instruments, please complete an OCC Form 7300. To report counterfeit marking or counterfeiting other than U.S. currency, please complete Form 5200-F. In this form, you can provide any additional information you believe would assist in establishing that a counterfeit mark or counterfeiting other than U.S. currency was used to produce a counterfeit money order. Report Counterfeit Markings and “X” Marks (U.S. Secret Service) Counterfeit Marking or Counterfeiting of U.S. Currency (Form 6300 and Form 6304). To report counterfeit marking or counterfeit counterfeiting of U.S. currency, please fill out the forms and submit it to the United States Secret Service office in the State in which the incident occurred.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Submit Counterfeit Report