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Secret service counterfeit division Form: What You Should Know

Fillable United States Secret Service Counterfeit Note Form.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Secret service counterfeit division

Instructions and Help about Secret service counterfeit division

The cold hard cash in your wallet could be cold heart fakes we're seeing a lot of 100s a lot of 20s and some 50s there's nothing funny about funny money and the counterfeit crooks are hoping you won't be able to tell the difference between a real bill and a bogus 11 on top of the real one right now the Secret Service says counterfeiters are using some kind of chemical to bleach the print from the smaller bills like ones and fives and reprinted over the top of larger bills including 50s and hundreds here's an example this 100-dollar bill is fake in this case since this was bleached from a five-dollar bill the watermark that you're going to see when you hold it up to the light as Abraham Lincoln's face which doesn't coincide with a 100-dollar bill the agency ads using a marker to test a bill isn't foolproof some businesses use a black light the real bills will have a colored fiber running through it and it will also state the denomination of the bill and you don't have to have a black light to spot a fake bill you can hold the money up to a regular light and the bigger bills like this 20 will change colors if it's real the number 20 on the bottom right corner of the bill goes from copper to green counterfeiters will try to make the fakes turn colors but they never will if you spot a fake bill the Secret Service says hold on to it if you can try to get a good description and information from the person with counterfeit money and turn the tip into authorities anyone found guilty of counterfeiting could face up to 20 years in prison Melissa Vega news for...