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Us secret service jobs Form: What You Should Know

We are looking for qualified people with the following qualifications and skills to join our talented team. • Knowledge of computer technology. Knowledge of business and financial systems.  • Have basic financial literacy. Financial knowledge is preferred. Previous customer service or management experience preferred. Knowledge of customer service or  management is a plus. • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.  • Advanced computer skills, including Microsoft Office (Word, Excel) or similar programs. Knowledge of Microsoft Office is a plus. • Ability to operate in a fast-paced environment. • Possession of a valid driver's license and a valid State-issued photo identification card. The U.S. Secret Service considers the following as important prerequisites to employment: • Knowledge of the law or law enforcement policies. Knowledge of civil or criminal procedure is preferred. • Knowledge of the policies and operations of the Department of Homeland Security is preferred. • Knowledge of the United States and international laws regarding the protection of government communications of the  President, Vice President, and high-level executive branch appointees is a plus. To be admitted to work for the U.S. Secret Service, applicants must meet the following qualifications and are strongly encouraged to take additional tests to enhance their abilities: · Must be a United States citizenship or permanent resident for at least three (3) months. · Must provide their Social Security Number (SSN). · Must provide their current and valid state issued driver's license and driver's license/photocopy of ID. · Must provide the following documentation when applying for employment: (1) Original copy of all letters of reference from professional organizations with which they are affiliated or with the individual in question. (2) Current resume and/or school transcripts (if applicable). · Must have a valid state-issued driver's license/ID. · If an applicant possesses a foreign license or visa, they must have a valid U.S. visa. · Any person with a valid State-issued photo identification card (driver license or passport). If necessary, other forms of photo identification may be used.

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How to complete any Ssf 1604 Form online:

  1. On the site with all the document, click on Begin immediately along with complete for the editor.
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  3. Add your own info and speak to data.
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