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Secret service special agent Form: What You Should Know

Please note: This information may be used for the purpose of personnel administration at the agency and as part of the agency's data analytics, training and education programs. Disclosure of this information to the public will not generally occur; however, as required by federal regulations, the Secret Service may share personal information about prospective and current employees with non-Federal entities as permitted by law. Individuals who submit a completed form may also obtain one copy from the agency's records and records supervisor. The Secret Service reserves the right to review and edit the submitted information for accuracy, length, and grammatical mistakes before such data is submitted and to correct any errors. In addition, the Secret Service may require additional information or data to be supplied to verify employment information. Information gathered will be used only for employment purposes.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Secret service special agent

Instructions and Help about Secret service special agent

Hello, my name is Bill Hanks, and I served as a special agent of the U.S. Secret Service from 1970 until 1998. President Johnson had been out of office for a little over a year when I became a special agent. I had the privilege of driving him on numerous occasions during the last two-and-a-half years of his life. I was an agent in the Austin field office, where we divided our time between working criminal cases and protective duty as part of the Treasury Department. Our criminal investigations included counterfeiting and the forgery of US government checks. Since President Johnson maintained offices in Austin and came to town often, the agents of the Austin field office worked hand in glove with the agents of the Johnson detail. This car, the black Lincoln limousine, which is not armored, was owned by President Johnson and was usually kept at the OBJ Ranch. It was one of three cars used by the president. The other two cars were Secret Service vehicles owned by the Austin field office - a black '68 bulletproof Cadillac limousine and a standard white Lincoln Continental. These vehicles were stored at the field office and were driven by field office agents whenever the president arrived in town by air. We referred to any car carrying a protectee as a limo, no matter what type of car it was. When I was hired, the special agent in charge of the Austin office, Ken Spencer, gave me a list of about twenty-five places President Johnson visited in Austin and told me to be able to drive to any of them day or night with no ifs, ands, or buts. This wasn't difficult for me because I had been living in Austin since the eighth grade and knew the city well. I recall the...