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What to do with a Counterfeit Note Form: What You Should Know

Handling Counterfeit Currency — U.S. Secret Service For information about handling counterfeit money, call the U.S. Secret Service at. There are many resources on handling counterfeit currency at the U.S. Secret Service website at. Filing a Currency Report Please see the instructions on the U.S. Secret Service webpage for handling U.S. dollars (in U.S. currency) with counterfeit features. There are similar instructions for euro (Eur) and other world currencies. Tips for Saving Money What to do if you find money 1) Use it — the U.S. Secret Service gives instructions on how to donate or burn it when you find counterfeit money. 2) Keep it — the more money you can't find, the better you are off in the long run. Where to donate money or use it to buy goods There are many charities that accept noncash donations. Some of these are listed here. You will probably find some other ways to make sure you don't spend the money. How to pay taxes on real money (noncash/non-credits) if you find counterfeit money How does a private bank, credit union, savings and loan institution (S&L), life insurance company or investment firm (Institution of the Rich) report money found in their accounts? The most common answers are “no” and “no comment” when it comes to this. As always, your bank, credit union, life insurance company, or Institutional Investor may be able to advise you what to do in the event that a suspicious or counterfeit monetary note is found in your banking account. If a bank receives your suspicious counterfeit currency, they are required to notify the Department of Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (Fin CEN). You also can ask your financial institution/institution of the rich if they want to receive the counterfeit currency for deposit or if they want to be paid to simply return it. If you are sure the bank/credit union will return the counterfeit currency as required by Fin CEN (to the Treasury), contact Fin CEN at. There is a lot of false information floating around on this topic regarding cash and cash return policies. The following is the standard answer used by financial institutions: Cash return is only given upon request. This is a lie.

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